Test Automation Standup
0 to Automation in 90 days
Start automating in a matter of weeks. Our team is focused on helping our clients get their products off the ground faster than ever.
Our experienced SDET (Software Engineer Development in Test) have years of experience with Test Automation Architecture. From mobile to cloud and beyond we have you covered.
With years of experience our team has developed a variety of frameworks on a multitude of platforms and have test automation successfully driving our clients businesses forward.
Our Hybrid+ model is simple to use allowing manual testers to automate. Powered by data and keyword driven models it can be built on a shorter development cycle at a lower cost and get you automating quickly
Page Object Model
The Page Object Model is more complex and more scalable than the Hybrid+ model. As such it involves a larger effort which makes it most appropriate for more sophisticated applications.
Enterprise applications require custom solutions from one of our Senior Architects. Our team will help build a solution that is right for your business.
Test Automation Standup Process

SWAT Test Automation is built using industry-leading technologies and languages. Our team uses tools and methodologies that are efficient, scalable, and customizable to fit our clients needs.
Automation Plan
Our teams develop an automation plan that best fits your application. Details include the framework selection, roles & responsibilities, milestones, workflows and more.
The Framework itself is key to scaling your automation architecture. Framework deliverables will vary by application and need and will be customized to your needs.
Training, User Guide
A comprehensive user guide will be provided that walks through architecture and guides users on how to automate with the use of instruction and examples.
Automation scripts are the key to test automation. SWAT will leverage best practices by using scalable code.
Automation Components
UI Automation
Service/API Automation
Mobile Automation
Build Automation